Tuesday 21 October 2008

tour bus part 1....rock n roll?!!

Get up at 5.30 am meet chloe at piccadilly station then i drive us to pick emily up to head to Nottingham to meet evenyone at the tour bus, our home for the next few days!! Emily had put her bed order in already with shereen who lives closer so usually gets there before us, im not bothered where i sleep as long as its not on the top layer, you see the bus we have this year has a row of bunk bed style cabins in groups of 3, i dont fancy climbing in and out of the top bunk especially after a few beers so luckily when i get there i find a bed on the bottom floor, basically lower than floor level so being small i develop a sort of roll in to bed tecnique from the aisle which suits me perfectly and i feel out of it and private-well as private as you can be on the bus! We have the same driver as last year, geordie Andrew which is good news as we already know him and know what we can and cant get away with!! We head to Basingstoke and i go back to bed, im shattered after only 2 and a half hours sleep, when i wake up were pretty much there. We do the usual set up, well the band do while we go for a wander around the town before soundcheck and show time. Have a good show and get ready to get back on the tour, unfortunately i dont have much gossip tonight as after my non stop party schedul for god knows how long i go to bed pretty early considering and miss out on most of the partying this night but i did hear lots of acdc being played and was almost tempted to jump out of bed and go mental when motorhead ace of spades came on but as its not that easy to jump out of my bed and i was trying really hard to be good i managed to contain my urge to rock out! i think everyone watch The Lost Boys to round the night off as Nick had never seen it before. Bit gutted i missed that but i have seen it enough to re enact the whole movie so probably best i caught up on sleep.


We climb out of the bus in the centre of town and walk to the theatre, me and chloe in our pjamas with ben and jordan (not in pjamas by the way). you get disolusioned on the bus and any normality goes out the window, i can honestly say i dont leave my house in my bed wear and walk down the street but somehow when on tour this seems logical! we get to the theatre and use the showers, i end up in the boys showers while chloe uses the girls to save time, there was no boys in there with me at the time might i add although ben did keep popping in to shout through the door that i needed to hurry up as him and jordan were waiting for us to go the pub.
we got ready and went into town realising after asking for directions we were down south!!
We had a couple of drinks early afternoon, theres a sort of tour no mans land time of day where theres nothing to do while they set up the stage etc and you feel a bit of a spare part and that time for me is usually filled by shopping and viewing the city centre or popping to the pub for some food and a beer. We go back to work realising we have the best job in the world and do another rocking show. The signing was a little stange this time as there was loads of really young kids there without adults screaming over the boys in the band and saying things to them they really shouldnt know about! we do the signing and pack for the bus, had a laugh tonight and it was nice as all the girls including toyah had a big room to share. Loved the show tonight, full of energy after my giant sleep!! woo, this is the life!! Stay up and have a few drinks on the bus all of us, its nice to have time to chill out and have a laugh with each other. We spend the night parked at the services which is good for me as i prefer sleeping when the bus isnt moving. We party for most of the night before getting some sleep on the way to Skegness.


it looks a bit like a ghost town when we arrive to be honest, we sit in the dressing room and i feel a bit like i need to go let off some steam but theres nothing to do and i hate that, we set stuff up then me and chloe go for some food and a 'romantic' stroll along the beach front, its nice to get some sea air and clear the lungs before the show after the partying and living on the bus!
Another fun show, i always feel a panic getting on and off this stage for some reason though as theres loads of corridors but its all good. After the show we all go into town for a drink in a bar called something LA. its pretty dead and crap really especially for a friday night, welcome to skegvegas!! brilliant!! we have a few drinks and its fun enough as the whole cast is out. All us girls ended up dancing on the little stage to dodgy dance music and after a few drinks decided to entertain the crowd with our routines from the show to different songs hahaha, they didnt know what had hit them. Me and Emily decided to have a go on the pole too (why they had one i dont know because the people on there weren't the type of people you want to see on a pole to be fair). We had a little go and i managed to impress by putting my trapeze moves to the test on the pole to much success thank god, i would of looked sexy too if i didnt have jeans a jumper and ugg boots on haha ah well. Everyone headed back to the bus but me and chloe felt like we had more dancing to us, as the bus was staying outside the theatre we decided to run to a club on the way and danced the night away like to maniacs. they should of given us a job cos we got the club back to life and everyone back on the dance floor. Eventually all sweaty and danced out we headed back to the bus and went to bed after a chill out with the band. a good night really, i get back into my little bed, stick my ipod on drunkenly text some mates before drifting to sleep.

Kings Lyne

feel good suprisingly for the last tour bus day and have a really good show, the dread is that on the way back i will have to drive from the bus in the middle of the night home so i sensibly make sure i get some sleep on the way home, sat up for a bit chatting to steve and chloe then off to bed i go. We got off the bus about 4.30am which really messes your head up then me,chloe and emily have the awful drive back to manchester. chloe stayed at mine and we were so shattered when we got back to real life!! a great few days though, i loves it!!


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